Kids Crossword 3

Kids can have fun yet learn something at the same time. Crossword puzzles stretch the child’s creative muscles along with enriching their vocabulary. As they read each clue they learn how to fit the words into the grid by process of elimination or by deductive reasoning without them even realizing how good the exercise is for their brain power. Kids also love to accomplish something real at the end. Finishing a puzzle is a satisfying moment. Print this kid’s general themed crossword and let them have an educational yet fun activity to do and provide them ways to have more moments of success.

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Free Printable Crossword Puzzles for Kids

Kids Crossword 3 is a third installment in these free printable games for crossword puzzles. Each puzzle has several clues for across and down so the answers will fill each square. The clues are age appropriate for most kids with a strong general knowledge background. The topics range from Star Wars entertainment to general science questions and some language development terms. As the student fills in the squares of the ones they do know the answers for it will lead them to process and learn new tidbits of information. These free printable games are easy to download and convenient to print as needed. 

Fun Day Activities with Crossword Puzzles

Are your children complaining that they have nothing to do? Are they bored with their toys or television time? Check out these free printable games. There is a large selection that covers most any interest. Here is an example of these free printable crossword puzzles. Free printable puzzles are easy to download and convenient to print as needed. The Kids Crossword 3 is a simple grid crossword with clues to fill in letters in rows and columns. Kids will identify with the clues that range from entertainment characters to general knowledge questions.  Use them today for your classroom or rainy day activities.