Pirate Ship Stencil

Looking for a stencil for your kid’s project, then use this pirate ship stencil. Just print and cut out the middle part or print and have your kids draw and color this to transform this simple stencil into a colorful pirate ship art. Have some high seas adventures in your home or classroom with the sailing ship blank outline just waiting for a child’s imagination to fill in the spaces with colors and characters galore. These free printable crafts are so popular with teachers and parents to encourage children to express themselves with art projects. Cover a grandparent’s refrigerator today with these free printable craft sheets.

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Sail The Ocean Blue Printable Crafts

Pirate Ship Stencil can be used to introduce a history or geography unit about the Pilgrim’s high seas travel to North America via sailing ships such as this one. Also, Columbus Day can come to life when you print three each of these free printable crafts of ship stencils for each child. Let them color and add the characters as they see fit while you teach about the ship’s crossing the oceans blue. The Mayflower, The Nina, The Pinta, and The Santa Maria, four famous ships of history will come alive with stories as each are decorated from stem to stern and sail to sail. 

Introduce Reading and Free Printable Crafts

Need a craft idea to introduce reading to smaller children? Check out these free printable crafts for tons of ideas. Here is a Pirate Ship Stencil that is blank and just waiting for a child’s imagination go wild when they explore the ship from the top copula to the bow. The large 3-masts holding billowing sails will bring images of Captain Hook as you read to them the stories of Peter Pan’s adventures in Never Never Land. Your child will remain perched high on the masts waiting for the next chapter in the book. You can  Print some today absolutely free for a high seas adventure.